Instagram Booster

Organic, real and relevant FANS!

Do NOT buy Instagram followers!

Buying bulk Instagram followers might sound very attractive at first glance. You want to grow your business, you need more exposure for your rock band, or maybe you want to give a push to influencer career… more followers is the first thing that comes to mind! Our Instagram Booster service increases your followers in an organic and natural way.

Buying bulk followers will fill your Instagram with fake, non relevant accounts. Engagement, what really matters, will drop as you now have more followers but no  interactions.  Your account will be sent to the “graveyard” and fade off.

How do we boost your Instagram?

Our method understands that Instagram is a social media. People do not go into Instagram to look at business ads! Instead, they want to watch fresh and interesting content that is related to their own lives.

Our Instagram/influencer boost is completely done by a human being! Our expert finds clusters of people with behavior, demographic, and geographic relevance to your page. As people will come to your page, instead of being pulled by an ad, the loyalty and interaction will be much better.


1 Month

360 €360/Month
  • Our most cost efficient plan is also the most popular option!
  • Original Price €450

2 Months

640 €320/Month
  • Our most cost efficient plan is also the most popular option!
  • Original Price €800

3 Months

760 €253/Month
  • Our most cost efficient plan is also the most popular option!
  • Original Price €950


See it in action!
Digital Magazine

For this project, we had to increase the number of followers based in a defined behavior and geography “Rock music fans that live in, or close to Milan, Barcelona, Helsinki, Antwerp and Prague”. 

Amount of Followers April 2022:


Followers January 2023:


Expected Followers March 2023:



For this new project, we have to completely build an Instagram identity as there was not even a page for them. We will find clusters of fitness fans worldwide to increase the number of followers and visits to the website.

Amount of Followers January 2023:


Expected Followers February 2023:


Expected Followers March 2023: