Automated Reports

Cloud based reports

Information and data driven businesses have competitive advantage in practically every industry. Cloud based automated reports help small, medium and big companies to gather information and measure KPIs.

If you have a business, even if its a start up, information is passing through it! We will implement a strategy to store the information, process it, and display it back to you in any form you find convenient. Our reports are customized and unique for every customer.

Business Intelligence and Insights

In this modern times, information is very valuable for every business. You can use information and transform it into valuable knowledge that will help your project reach its goals.

Measuring your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) will help your business achieve a constant growth. It will also help identify your weak spots and fix them.

Report Examples

Human Resources

For Human Resources reports, we have developed many solutions. From smart filters to navigate a large candidate list, to a 120 page automated corporate report. We know HR departments and agencies rely heavily on information and so integrating custom automated reports is crucial. It is also a great way for them to present the information to their headquarters or clients.

Fitness Studio

Fitness Studios have a lot of information passing through them. Most studios will make first time visitors, or prospects, fill some forms with information. Some studios will also measure fitness and nutritional data of the clients. We have developed solutions that help fitness studios to use this information to maximize positive results in their customers and increase conversion rates.

Real Estate

One of the industries that requires more reporting is Real Estate. There is constant pressure for sales and so having an optimized sales funnel is crucial for an ideal operation. Property inventory reports as well as sales reports are very demanded. Some clients also require sales forecasting tools to be sure their trends are aligned to their goals.

Flexibility for your project

Automated Reports for your business

At Europa Web Solutions we know each project is individual and unique. We have designed the next plans to fin in your financial possibilities and help you reach out your business goals.


Our Portfolio

Projects and Collaborations

With the client’s goal on mind, we create every website with passion and creativity. We look forward for the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics.

Let's Get In Touch!

Salzburg, Austria

+43 660 449 2726