Elementor is Still Our Top Pick for 2023

Our opinion of Elementor is very positive! So this post might look like paid advertisement but we can assure you that we are in no way sponsored or paid by them. As customers, we actually pay them as any normal customer would do. We will explain in this post our reasons of why Elementor is still our top pick for 2023.

We have been WordPress fans for many years now, specially for small and middle sized projects. In these kind of projects, we as developers are usually required to deliver a visually inspiring website that is easy to manage by a non technical user.

The problem we used to find with WordPress was that free or paid pre-made templates were terrible! Even the expensive templates looked extremely generic. We had to either tweak the templates to make them nicer, or just build our own theme for each client. 

With the arrival of Elementor, basically a website builder, you can create amazing, visually mesmerizing templates that really capture your creative desires and the clients brand image.

Elementor is easy to use

The website builder comes with a visual interface where you can drag and drop different modules or elements into the website. It can be an image, video, text, header, Google Maps… It really feels that there is no limit on what you can integrate with Elementor, specially when we talk about the add-ons! But more on that a bit later.

Mobile preview

We as developers know that most website visits come from mobile devices. Elementor gives us the opportunity to preview and edit our website as it will be seen in a smartphone or tablet! 

We need to say as well that with their coding, most of the included elements and sections will adapt intuitively into a mobile version automatically. In many cases, you just need to check their responsive preview to make a few changes for perfection.

Elementor Pro

Elementor by itself can be very powerful and you may seem surprised that it is completely free! However we recommend upgrading to Elementor Pro to get an even more versatile tool. 

It has a very quick learning curve so you will be able to understand most of its basic and complex setting very soon. Without any coding experience, you will be able to deliver outstanding sections, pages, templates and complete WordPress websites!


Besides Elementor Pro, there are many options for increasing the power of Elementor. We have posted an article on the 13 Best Elementor Addons 2022 and we are now working on a 2023 edit.

Free and paid Add-Ons will take your experience into new frontiers, with visual and functional tools that will help you build the perfect website.

3rd Party Integration

One of its best features its the integration with other WordPress plugins such as WooCommerce for E-commerce websites, Google Maps, and social media. 

A few things will require a paid add-on such as Instagram Feed, that is not included in Elementor at the moment. So we recommend, once you have Elementor, to dive into the add-on options to find the best for your project.

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